meskipun terdapat perbedaan bahasa Inggris
- meskipun: although; notiwithstanding; notwithstanding;
- terdapat: happen; pass; obtainable; strike; detect; be;
- perbedaan: difference; disparity; dissidence; dissimilarity;
- meskipun: although; notiwithstanding; notwithstanding; though; albeit; as; while; but; despite; besides; nonetheless; nevertheless; however; whereas; nathless; even though
- terdapat: happen; pass; obtainable; strike; detect; be; getable; occupy; go on; happen upon; pass off; bump; there is; exist; take place; stumble upon; survive; get; come across; reside; fall upon; crown; lig
- perbedaan: difference; disparity; dissidence; dissimilarity; variance; distinction; diverseness; edition; conflict; variation; variant; version; gap; opening; dispute; difference of opinion
- meskipun [demikian: though
- meskipun begitu: nonetheless; notwithstanding; be that as it may; that said; everyhow; natheless; be it as it may; all the same; howsoever; however; on the face of; nevertheless; nethertheless; even so; howbeit
- meskipun demikian: even so; nevertheless; be that as it may; notwithstanding; nonetheless; be it as it may; that said; natheless; everyhow; however; on the face of; howsoever; all the same; nethertheless; howbeit
- jarang terdapat: rarity
- terdapat di: contained in
- meskipun pendekatan ini: although this approach
- terdapat di banyak tempat: prevailing; prevalent
- bantuan:perbedaan: diff
- membuat perbedaan: make the difference
- In the end, the two fall in love despite the differences in their personalities, objections from their families, and other obstacles.
Pada akhirnya, keduanya jatuh cinta meskipun terdapat perbedaan dalam kepribadian mereka, keberatan dari keluarga mereka, dan kendala lainnya. - The food gerobak or Indonesian food pushcarts mostly has similar size and design, yet they are distinctive depends to the type of food being sold.
Gerobak jajanan di Indonesia biasanya memiliki bentuk dan rancang bangun yang mirip, meskipun terdapat perbedaan khusus sesuai jenis jajanan yang dijual. - Representatives from the United States, calling the disaster a "humanitarian issue", said that despite their strong differences with Iran they would donate supplies and other aid if requested.
Perwakilan dari Amerika Serikat menyebut bencana sebagai "masalah kemanusiaan" dengan mengatakan bahwa meskipun terdapat perbedaan yang besar antara AS dengan Iran, mereka akan menyumbangkan pasokan dan bantuan lain jika diminta. - Carey stated that she wanted to share the song on Facebook since the music industry is taking advantage of the social media where the fans can globally listen to the song at once despite the time difference.
Mariah Carey menyatakan bahwa dia ingin berbagi lagu di Facebook sejak industri musik mulai mengambil keuntungan dari media sosial dan para penggemar dapat secara global mendengarkan lagu meskipun terdapat perbedaan waktu.